lundi 19 novembre 2007

US Air Force - USAF Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) en 2007

L'US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) voit le jour le 1er juin 1992, avec son QG établit à Offut AFB, dans le Nebraska.

Succédant à l'ancien Strategic Air Command (SAC) dissous, il assure le commandement et le déploiement des forces strategiques américaines.

L'USSTRATCOM regroupe les unités de missiles balistiques intercontinentaux (ICBM) de la 20ème US Air Force / Task Force TF214, les bombardiers pilotés de la 8ème US Air Force [en collaboration avec l'Air Combat Command (ACC)], la 14ème US Air Force [US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF)], et la 20ème US Air Force [Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)].

8ème US Air Force "Mighty Eighth" / Task Force TF204.
QG Barksdale AFB, Louisiane (LA).

2nd Bomb Wing (BW).
- 20th et 96th Bomb Squadrons (B-52H).
- 11th Bomb Training Squadron (B-52H).
- Barksdale AFB, Louisiane (LA).

5th Bomb Wing (BW).
- 23rd et 72nd Bomb Squadrons (B-52H).
- 5th Munitions Squadron.
- Minot AFB, Dakota du Nord (ND).

509th Bomb Wing (BW).
- 509th Operations Group.
- 509th Maintenance Group.
- 509th Mission Support Group.
- 509th Medical Group.
- Whiteman AFB, Missouri (MO).

509th BW / 509th Operation Group.
- 13th et 393rd Bomb Squadrons (B-2).
- 394th Combat Training Squadron (T-38A).
- 509th Operations Support Squadron.
- Whiteman AFB, Missouri (MO).

509th BW / 509th Maintenance Group.
- 509th Munitions Squadron.
- 509th Maintenance Operations Squadron.
- 509th Maintenance Squadron.
- 509th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.
- Whiteman AFB, Missouri (MO).

509th BW / 509th Mission Support Group.
- 509th Mission Support Squadron.
- 509th Service Squadron.
- 509th Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 509th Logistic Readiness Squadron.
- 509th Security Forces Squadron.
- 509th Contracting Squadron.
- 509th Communications Squadron.
- Whiteman AFB, Missouri (MO).

509th BW / 509th Medical Group.
- Health and Wellness Center.
- Whiteman AFB, Missouri (MO).

917th Wing (WG) [AFRC].
- 93rd Bomb Squadron (B-52H).
- 45th Fighter Squadron (A/OA-10A)
- Barksdale AFB, Louisiane (LA).

55th Wing (WG).
- 38th, 45th, 82nd, 95th [RAF Mildenhall, Grande-Bretagne] et 343rd Reconnaissance Squadrons (RC-135S/U/V/W, WC-135C/W).
- Det.1 95th RS [Baie de Suda, Crète, Grèce] (RC-135S/U/V/W).
- 338th Combat Training Squadron (RC/OC-135B, TC-135S/W).
- 1st Airborne Command Control Squadron (E-4B).
- 97th Intelligence Squadron.
- Offut AFB, Nebraska (NE).

9th Reconnaissance Wing (RW).
- 1st, 5th et 99th Reconnaissance Squadrons (U-2S, TU-2S, T-38A).
- 9th Intelligence Squadron.
- Beale AFB, Californie (CA).

552nd Air Control Wing (ACW).
- 963rd "Blue Knights", 964th, 965th et 966th Airborne Air Control Squadrons (32 E-3B/C).
- 513th Air Control Group [AFRC] (E-3B/C).
- 552nd Training Squadron (TC-18E).
- Tinker AFB, Oklahoma (OK).

552 ACW / 513th Air Control Group [AFRC].
- 970th Airborne Air Control Squadron (E-3B/C).
- Tinker AFB, Oklahoma (OK).

116th Air Control Wing (ACW) [Georgia ARNG].
- 128th Airborne Air Control Squadron (E-8C Joint STARS)
- Robins AFB, Géorgie (GA).

67th Network Warfare Wing (NWW).
- 67th Network Warfare Group.
- 26th Network Operations Group.
- 690th Network Support Group.
- Lackland AFB, Texas (TX).

67th NWW / 67th Network Warfare Group.
- 33rd, 68th, 315th, 352nd et 426th Information Operations Squadrons (IOS).
- 67th Operations Support Squadron (OSS).
- Lackland AFB, Texas (TX).

67th NWW / 26th Network Operations Group.
- 83rd et 561st Communications Squadrons (CS).
- Lackland AFB, Texas (TX).

67th NWW / 690th Network Support Group.
- 690th Computer Systems Squadron (CSS).
- 690th Intelligence Support Squadron (ISS).
- Lackland AFB, Texas (TX).

3rd Air Support Operations Group (ASOG).
- 9th, 10th [Fort Riley, Kansas], 11th "Steel Eagles", 13th [Fort Carson, Colorado] et 712th Air Support Operations Squadrons (ASOS).
- 3rd Weather Squadron (WS).
- Fort Hood, Texas (TX).

70th Intelligence Wing.
- Fort George G. Meade, Maryland (MD).

65th Air Base Wing.
- Lajes Field, Açores, Portugal.

85th Group.
- 56th Rescue Squadron (RQS) (HH-60G).
- Keflavik, Islande.

819th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers (RED HORSE).
- Malstrom AFB, Montana (MT).

14ème US Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF).
QG Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

21st Space Wing (SW) [Missile Warning].
- Peterson AFB, Colorado (CO)

21st Space Wing / 21st Operations Group.
- 2nd [Buckley AFB, Colorado], 6th [Cap Code AFS, Massachussetts], 7th [Beale AFB, Californie], 10th [Cavalier AFS, Dakota du Nord], 11th [Schriever AFB, Colorado], 12th [Thule AB, Groenland] et 13th [Clear AFS, Alaska] Space Warning Squadrons (Systemes Radar AN/FPS-120 SSPARS, AN/FPS-115 Pave Paws, AN/FPQ-16 PARCS).
- RAF Fylingdales, Grande-Bretagne (FPS-120 SSPARS).
- 3rd [Misawa AB, Japon], 4th [Holloman AFB, Nouveau-Mexique], 5th [RAF Feltwell, Grande-Bretagne], 18th [Edwards AFB, Californie], 18th/Det.1 [Socorro, Nouveau-Mexique], 18th/Det.2 [Diego Garcia], 18th/Det.3 [Maui, Hawaii], 18th/Det.4 [Moron, Espagne] et 20th [Site C-6, Eglin AFB, Floride] Space Surveillance Squadrons (Systemes Radar AN/FPS-85 SSPARS, Deep Space Tracking System, Low Altitude Space Surveillance System).
- 76th Space Control Squadron [Peterson AFB, Colorado].
- 1st Command and Control Squadron [Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Colorado].
- 3rd Space Communications Squadron [Kapaun AFS, Allemagne].
- 21st Operations Support Squadron [Peterson AFB, Colorado].

21th Space Wing / 21st Logistics Group.
- 21st Logistics Support Squadron.
- 21st Contracting Squadron.
- Peterson AFB, Colorado (CO).

21th Space Wing / 21st Support Group.
- 21st Mission Support Squadron.
- 21st Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 21st Security Forces Squadron.
- 21st Services Squadron.
- 21st Communications Squadron.
- Peterson AFB, Colorado (CO).

21th Space Wing / 721st Support Group.
- 721st Mobile Command and Control Squadron.
- 721st Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 721st Security Forces Squadron.
- 721st Communications Squadron.
- Cheyenne Mountain AS, Colorado (CO).

30th Space Wing (SW) [Missile Testing and Booster Launching].
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

30th Space Wing / 30th Operations Group.
- 2nd Space Launch Squadron (LGM-30G).
- 30th Range Squadron.
- 30th Weather Squadron.
- 30th Operations Support Squadron.
- 76th Helicopter Flight (UH-1N).
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

30th Space Wing / 30th Logistics Group.
- 30th Communications Squadron.
- 30th Contracting Squadron.
- 30th Transportation Squadron.
- 30th Supply Flight.
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

30th Space Wing / 30th Support Group.
- 30th Mission Support Squadron.
- 30th Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 30th Security Forces Squadron.
- 30th Services Squadron.
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

30th Space Wing / 30th Medical Group.
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

45th Space Wing (SW) [Booster Launching and NASA Support].
- Patrick AFB, Floride (FL).

45th Space Wing / 45th Operations Group.
- 1st et 3rd Space Launch Squadrons.
- 45th Range Squadron.
- 45th Weather Squadron.
- 45th Operations Support Squadron.
- Patrick AFB, Floride (FL).

45th Space Wing / 45th Logistics Group.
- 45th Communications Squadron.
- 45th Contracting Squadron.
- 45th Transportation Squadron.
- Patrick AFB, Floride (FL).

45th Space Wing / 45th Support Group.
- 45th Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 45th Mission Support Squadron.
- 45th Security Forces Squadron.
- 45th Services Squadron.
- Patrick AFB, Floride (FL).

50th Space Wing (SW) [Satellite Operations].
- Schriever AFB, Colorado (CO).

50th Space Wing / 50th Operations Group.
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th [Onizuka AS, Californie], 21st [Onizuka AS, Californie], 22nd et 23rd [New Boston AFS, New Hampshire] Space Operations Squadrons (Navstar Global Positioning System, satellites DSCS III, NATO IV/SKYNET IV et NATO IIID).
- 50th Operations Support Squadron.
- Schriever AFB, Colorado (CO).

50th Space Wing / 50th Communications Group.
- 50th et 850th Communications Squadrons.
- Schriever AFB, Colorado (CO).

50th Space Wing / 50th Support Group.
- 50th Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 50th Security Forces Squadron.
- 50th Mission Support Squadron.
- 50th Contracting Squadron.
- Schriever AFB, Colorado (CO).

310th Space Group (SW) [C2 and Security] [AFRC].
- 8th Space Warning Squadron [Buckley AFB, Colorado].
- 6th, 7th et 9th [Vandenberg AFB, Californie] Space Operations Squadrons.
- 310th Security Forces Squadron.
- 14th Test Squadron.
- Schriever AFB, Colorado (CO).

460th Air Base Wing.
- 460th Logistics Squadron.
- 460th Medical Squadron.
- Buckley AFB, Colorado (CO).

460th Air Base Wing / 460th Support Group.
- 460th Mission Support Squadron.
- 460th Civil Engineer Squadron.
- 460th Contracting Squadron.
- 460th Security Forces Squadron.
- Buckley AFB, Colorado (CO).

614th Space Operations Group.
- 1st Space Control Squadron [Cheyenne Mountain AFS, Colorado].
- 614th Space Operations Squadron.
- 614th Space Communications Squadron.
- Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC).
- Vandenberg AFB, Californie (CA).

20ème US Air Force / Task Force TF214.
QG Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyoming (WY).

90th Space Wing (SW).
- 319th, 320th et 321st Missiles Squadrons (150 LGM-30G Minuteman III).
- Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyoming (WY).

91st Space Wing (SW).
- 740th, 741st et 742nd Missiles Squadrons (150 LGM-30G Minuteman III).
- Minot AFB, Dakota du Nord (ND).

341st Space Wing (SW).
- 10th, 12th, 490th et 564th Missiles Squadrons (200 LGM-30G Minuteman III).
- Malstrom AFB, Montana (MT).

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Selon le site TTU International, l'Islande demande à la France d'assurer la protection de son espace aérien suite au retrait des F-15 de la base de Keflavik.

Des bombardiers russes sont de retour en Atlantique Nord :

Et il semble que les autoritées françaises ne soit pas insensible à cette appel, voir le dernier paragraphe de ce rapport du Sénat :

Anonyme a dit…

Concernant les ordres de batailles des forces armées des Etats-Unis; je signale ce site :

Anonyme a dit…

Au fait, je signale que les LGM-118A Peacekeeper sont retiré depuis le 19 septembre 2005. Il ne reste que les Minutemen en service; ces derniers sont la pour encore une vingtaine d'années suite à diverses chantiers de remise à niveau.

Anonyme a dit…

Je signale cette traduction en français d'une des revues de l'USAF :